Q: Where can I find official information on Canadian immigration and citizenship?

A: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)


Q: Where can I find the latest immigration updates?

A: CIC and CIC News


Q: Where can I find information on processing times for various applications?

A: Immigration Application Processing Times


Q: Where can I find more information on the law?

A: IRPA (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act)


Q: What is the difference between a lawyer and an immigration consultant?

A: See Legal Assistance vs. Immigration Consulting


Q: How do I know your law practice is legitimate?

A: Sheela Gupta is licensed to practice law in New York State and Ontario. To verify her status as a practicing lawyer in Ontario, go to the Law Society of Upper Canada lawyer and paralegal directory and search Sheela Gupta's name. If you would like to verify the authenticity of Mosaic Immigration Law, you are welcome to contact the Law Society of Upper Canada, which is the governing body for lawyers in the Province of Ontario, Canada. As a professional lawyer, Sheela Gupta has a professional obligation to act in her clients' best interest and can be professionally disciplined for failure to do so. 




Q: Where can I find more information on US immigration?

A: US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)


Q: Where can I find information on processing times for various applications?

A: USCIS Processing Times


Q: How do I know your law practice is legitimate?

A: Sheela Gupta is licensed to practice law in New York State and Ontario. To verify her status as a practicing attorney in New York go to the New York State Unified Court System website and search Sheela Gupta's name.